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Image showcasing Hafele’s Re-Inspire Digital Locks with it’s features
16 Jun 2022

Know Amazing Features of Hafele’s Re-Inspire Digital Locks

Hafele’s digital locks are well-known for their stylish and elegant designs, easy operability, and advanced technological features. They utilize innovative, intelligent, and high-standard technologies to ensure security and reliability for your home. RE-Inspire digital door locks are not an exception either.

RE-Inspire digital locks comprise a number of incredible features like fingerprints, Bluetooth connectivity, and RFID, which are usually found in Hafele smart locks. 

In addition, they’re equipped with other newly incorporated technological features, which we will look at in this article.

Amazing Features of Hafele’s Re-Inspire Digital Lock 

1. Advanced Locking Modes

RE-Inspire is equipped with four different locking modes, making it easy for users to select their preferred locking mode.

● The manual locking mode of these smart door locksallows you to physically lock the door with the help of a fingerprint scanner as and when required. 

● In contrast, Auto-locking mode, as the name suggests, locks the door automatically after 3 seconds of its closing.

● Privacy locking mode is used to lock the door from inside with the help of a safety button restricting access into your home

● On the other hand, a defence locking mode enables you to lock the door from outside. Defence locking mode is mainly used to notify someone leaving the house with the help of an alarm, which will only stop after someone uses the fingerprint or password from outside.

2. Secure Password Protection

With RE-Inspire’s Smart Password feature, you get full-proof protection that hides your numeric password within random numbers. This feature lets you enter the password quickly without revealing it to someone standing beside you.

Apart from this classic Hafele unique feature, you get three different password set-up modes, which you can use as per your requirement.

● A permanent password is the one the owner uses for regular access and actively unless changed by himself.

● On the other hand, a scheduled password is used by regular home visitors like the domestic helpers, maids, or other staff who can follow a pre-set pattern to enter your house. 

● Period password is the third type of password that gives access to guests using your home for a limited time and enables multiple entries and exits accordingly. 

3. Smart Voice

The smart voice feature of RE-Inspire digital security door locks assists you with step-by-step voice guidance to help you out while operating the device or setting up any feature. These simple voice notifications prove to be a great help in times of crisis.

4. Considerate Lock Features

We all wish to live in harmony, and being considerate towards others is a prerequisite. Hafele understood this basic need and added the Smart Etiquettes feature to the device. It allows you to adjust the volume levels of your lock while entering or exiting your home at odd hours so that you won’t be disturbing your neighbours or their pets.

5. Smart Freeze

Smart Freeze is one of the most critical features of RE-Inspire digital locks to ensure protection and safety against break-ins. The moment it detects any incorrect, illegal entry, or abnormal activity, the security lock automatically freezes the lock function for the next 5 minutes to make sure no intruder gets breaks in.

RE-Inspire is the modern smart lock that every household should use to improve home security. It’s furnished with advanced technological features that include innovative passwords, locking, and operability functions, thus adding relaxation and convenience to your life.

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